The Real Food campaign exists in the UK to educate, advocate and campaign for real food for ALL, for the benefit of good health.
What we mean by Real Food
Real food promotes health, is nutrient-dense, safe, and minimally* or unprocessed. Real food is raised and grown in ways that protect, regenerate and sustain our soils, our health, all of nature and our planet.
Our Mission
To work collaboratively across all parts of the health, food and farming sectors to:
- Inform and educate the public and health providers on the power of Real Food as medicine, and equip them with practical resources to make real food choices for better health.
- Support organisations that promote conscious, regenerative farming and growing practices that sustain health for people and planet.
- Support organisations that promote the restoration and development of local infrastructures that encourage collaborative and thriving food communities.
More About Us
In case you missed it there is more in the About page
*Our use of the word minimally processed differs to that in the NOVA classification as we would recognise many foods in groups 2 & 3 as Real Food such as Real Bread, butter, cheese and cold-pressed oils. i.e traditionally processed food over modern industrial processing.