Dr Ali Khavandi is a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at the Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Foundation Trust and medical lead for Virgin Care B&NES. He specialises in complex angioplasty and advanced rhythm device implantation. He is part of the Consultant team providing 24/7 emergency treatments for the regional heart attack service at the Bristol Heart Institute. Additionally he implants complex pacemakers and defibrillators at the Great Western Hospital in Swindon.  

Within the Cardiology community Ali is recognised for a profile in education. He is a founder of the surgical skills for Cardiologists training programme which has resulted in reduced device related complications in the UK and is editing author of the core Cardiology curriculum text books for Cardiology trainees. He has a special interest in minimising pacemaker scars and revising problematic implants. 

More unusually for a procedural enthusiast he is equally passionate about dietary and exercise intervention in the prevention and management of Cardiovascular conditions. This stems from a genuine love of all things food-related and has lead to appearances on BBC Horizons and writing on the subject of diet, food and health for the Observer. 

In 2016, Ali was awarded an innovation award by the Health Foundation for a project directed at treating patients with high blood pressure through diet. This work has formed a platform for subsequent initiatives including food improvement projects within the NHS and clinical pathway redesign. 

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