Lou Walker MSc, PGCert (Nutr), BSc (Hons)
I’m a health coach registered with the UK Health Coaches Association working in private practice and corporately to enhance workplace health and wellbeing (www.louwalker.com).
A real food approach is key to my health coaching practice which aims to demystify healthy eating and build clients’ confidence in their own abilities to enhance health and prevent disease. It’s also central to my role as an ambassador for the Public Health Collaboration, working with GPs to support their diabetic patients with a real food lifestyle.
As a result of my MSc in Obesity & Weight Management, I’m interested in the impact of our physical and food environments on health. My MSc research explored office cake culture and the findings have implications for public health in general and workplace health in particular. I speak and write to highlight how starting a conversation about office cake can lead to reduced workplace sugar while boosting social benefits.
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Why we need to talk about cake | Lou Walker | TEDxUoChester
The research: rethinking office cake offers employers an opportunity